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Two experienced Lithuanian air traffic controllers are assisting HungaroControl in its operations
Due to a collaboration between the Lithuanian air navigation service provider, ORO Navigacija, and HungaroControl, we are delighted to welcome two experienced air traffic controllers into our team: Ligita Jončienė and Laura Indrašiūtė. Their temporary assigment significantly enahnces our capability in overseeing air traffic in Kosovo’s upper airspace, thereby alleviating the burden on our colleagues …

Artificial Intelligence and Safety: is it all about data?
Zoltan Molnar – HungaroControl Automation is an important phenomenon in many fields of our life, and recently, it has been gaining a momentum in the ATM industry. Although automation is not restricted to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) solutions, promising performance of AI in numerous fields can significantly accelerate the process. ML has …

Are remote towers safer than conventional towers?
Zoltan Molnar – HungaroControl Although the implementation of remote tower technology represents a complex change, which significantly affects the ATM functional system, the safety assessment process does not require any specific methodology. In other words, it can be managed as a normal change process, despite it is still remaining a difficult task. Air Navigation Service …

Smart Solutions for Singapore
THE CONTEXT Air traffic growth in the Asia-Pacific region is one of the fastest in the world and Singapore is strategically located at the heart of the region. In order to prepare for the future, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) embarked on the Smart Tower Prototype (STP) project to evaluate the feasibility of …

Human-Centered Approach in R+D Projects of Air Traffic Control
There are many examples of user interfaces that are difficult to understand, such as a complicated vending machine, an illogically working mobile application, or the classic counter sliding / pulling door. We may wonder what the designer was thinking about when creating these things this way. Human Factors analysis, or the so-called User Experience (UX) …

Building resilience together
Amidst extremes At HungaroControl, we based our initial 2020 business plans on the premise of investing in developing ATC capacity. This principle was supported at the Digital European Sky event in 2019, organized by the European Commission, at which the aviation industry committed to embrace digitalization in order to increase capacity. As the epidemic hit …

Is the role of air traffic controllers changing with the rise of artificial intelligence?
New and more digital technologies are slowly making their way into the air traffic management (ATM) sector, which has traditionally been a highly conservative and slow-to-move segment of the aviation industry due to its safety primacy culture. Aviation as whole is in the midst of a digital transformation where a shift in the use of …

The Commercial Use of Drones – A Dream or a Reality?
It is unquestionable that drone technology is increasingly becoming part of our everyday life, and developing rapidly as artificial intelligence gains more and more significance. The commercial and industrial use of unmanned aerial vehicles – colloquially referred to as drones – will provide assistive solutions in many areas of life in the near future. Until …

Every nanosecond matters: Precision timing and sync for ATM
Dr. Majid Foodeei, Global product management, mission critical communications, Hitachi ABB Gábor Bajkó, Head of technical operations and development, HungaroControl Just as air traffic moves in many directions around the globe, ANSPs face pressures from all directions at once. Operational challenges associated with continued air traffic growth are exacerbated by the expected increase in volume …

Digital Tower 2.0: Managing the COVID crisis
Neil Bowles – Searidge Technologies Csaba Gergely – HungaroControl Digital and remote tower technology has become an established technology solution for airports and ANSPs. Digital towers are now operational in several countries and ANSPs are developing applications beyond the remote control of small, low volume airports, and realizing business cases for medium and large airports …