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The Commercial Use of Drones – A Dream or a Reality?

It is unquestionable that drone technology is increasingly becoming part of our everyday life, and developing rapidly as artificial intelligence gains more and more significance. The commercial and industrial use of unmanned aerial vehicles – colloquially referred to as drones – will provide assistive solutions in many areas of life in the near future. Until …

Airport2020. 10. 26.

Every nanosecond matters: Precision timing and sync for ATM

Dr. Majid Foodeei, Global product management, mission critical communications, Hitachi ABB Gábor Bajkó, Head of technical operations and development, HungaroControl Just as air traffic moves in many directions around the globe, ANSPs face pressures from all directions at once. Operational challenges associated with continued air traffic growth are exacerbated by the expected increase in volume …

Airport2020. 10. 07.

Digital Tower 2.0: Managing the COVID crisis

Neil Bowles – Searidge Technologies Csaba Gergely – HungaroControl Digital and remote tower technology has become an established technology solution for airports and ANSPs. Digital towers are now operational in several countries and ANSPs are developing applications beyond the remote control of small, low volume airports, and realizing business cases for medium and large airports …

Airport2020. 07. 27.

Can Artificial Intelligence save the ATM industry?

The only constant is change, but change is getting larger and faster. Although the principles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its core areas like Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) have been with us since the early 1960s, it is becoming easier than ever to harness them. Vast amounts of data can be gathered, …

Airport2020. 06. 17.

The road to recovery

The global pandemic has the aviation sector among others in a continuous mode of reaction. Amid all this uncertainty and the challenges it brings, how do we strengthen organisational resilience while mapping our road to recovery? Attila Simon, HungaroControl’s Director of Business Development represented European air navigation service providers (ANSP) in a recent webinar hosted …

Airport2020. 05. 14.

Drone technology is revolutionizing the Hungarian economy

Opportunities for commercial application of drone technology, the forthcoming EU regulation, research and development activities for autonomous vehicles were discussed at the drone conference in Budapest in November 2019. Key international players in the industry, state decision makers, the private sector and the startup sector were also present at the event. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – …

Innovation2020. 03. 29.